
Hosted Call Center

A hosted call center is one  maintained and managed by a third-party vendor responsible for:

  • Helping clients select the right software to meet their needs
  • Installing software to run the call center
  • Monitoring call center operations for technical problems and quality assurance (QA)
  • Keeping you updated about call center operations and helping you determine what actions to take when updates or tweaks are needed

Hosted call centers work much the same way as any other call center to:

  • Respond to customer questions
  • Establish a connection with customers
  • Express empathy when customers are frustrated
  • Be retrained if a particular approach is not working

If hosted call centers are so similar to other call centers, why contract with someone else for these services? The main benefit of a hosted call center is that it saves you the time, resources, and trouble of having to set up a call center yourself. The host provides everything you need:

  • Hardware and other equipment
  • Software
  • Personnel
  • Office space
  • Employee onboarding and training

Because you vendor already operates call centers, they know how to run them efficiently. OutPLEX has over two decades of experience running call centers for clients across a variety of industries. We help your call center thrive by:

  • Providing call center agents, IT specialists, software designers, and other team members who keep the center operating at peak efficiency
  • Figuring out what kind of message you want the call center to convey to customers and training agents and conversation designers on how to convey that message
  • Maintaining all physical locations on your behalf
  • Allowing some employees to work from home, which attracts a greater range of talent while reducing our (and therefore your) expenses
  • Giving you the option of using automation—including associate assist and interactive voice response (IVR)—to further improve the call center experience
  • Employing a 24/7 helpdesk that can quickly respond if technical issues interfere with call center operations

OutPLEX can provide a hosted call center that meets your needs. Call 1.866.531.5773 or visit to learn more.

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